Saturday, June 4, 2011

I hate technology

Well, what was intended to be a five minute operation turned into an ORDEAL as this stupid site would NOT let me in! I still don't know what the hell happened.

So. Looks like I'm going to Akon 22 after all. I guess it's good to reconnect with old friends, considering that's the ONLY reason I'm still attending. Heh. Yes, Jim is my hero for the day, the week, the month. God love sarcastic, irascible old hippies! XOXO

Now I'm freaking out. Who will I run into there besides Jim? Who would even remember me? Who will I be ducking into side rooms to avoid? This really is like going to a damn high-school reunion. Ugh. I must be insane. There are reasons I avoid reunions!

But I'll get to see Jim again, get an autograph from him and Elizabeth Moon, check out some geeky stuff, and maybe see some decent bellydancing. (Not sure on that last part. Checked out the website for the group listed in Akon's itinerary...uhhh...I can do better than that, girls? Yikes.)

Ok. Deep breath. It's only a week away. I can do this. I can manage seven more days without losing it and running to the nearest spa.

The month would be complete if only Jacqueline Carey had not cancelled the signing in Frisco. Damn it all! I was SO looking forward to that! Hell with Barnes and Noble, too. Not that I've shopped there in years, but I'll damn sure not do it now! I just hope she finds an alternative. To know that she's in TX...and in my backyard, too! It's just too much. *sigh*

Monday, May 16, 2011


Another year flown by.
Well, at least I got a chuckle from the previous post. And, yes, BB did find a new home. Off he went with Ma & Pa Clampett and the Twins-From-Hell. I couldn't decide which faction I wanted to see win, the kids or the cat. Both deserved one another, I think.

So...what did the passing year bring? I've finished Book I and am almost finished with Book II. So many rewrites in there that I'm not honestly sure when I ended and II began, but there they are. And I'm mostly pleased.

No, I AM pleased with Book I. No doubt about it. Book II...there are storyline issues I could stand not to think too deeply on, but I'm not willing to change anything at the moment, so we'll let it ride and see what happens.

Book III is in the works; I feel my internal machinery beginning to gnaw at the half-assembled storyline as we speak...

...or perhaps I'm simply hungry.