Friday, January 30, 2009


Another day, another dollar. God, how I hate my job.

Okay, okay. This is supposed to be about writing and getting published, not languishing in despair over still being a wage slave. One little hop at a time for this birdie.

So...nothing yet from Query Shark or Flogging the Quill. I'm beginning to think that it might not be worth holding off. Much as I want to know just how badly I've screwed up on the [revised] query, perhaps it would be better to bite the bullet and submit it. My darkest fear? That the agent whom I most desire [Maya Rock] will suddenly decide she has too much on her plate and cut off open submissions. Augh!

I haven't yet dared to check the website to see if that particular horror has occurred. Damn my cowardice! I'll face armed men with nothing but a stick then laugh when I walk away with bruises, but I'm too chicken (ha ha) to send in a query. *sigh*

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Well, it's 30 frikkin' degrees here and dropping fast. With precip. Lovely.

I'm freezing my tail feathers off waiting for Janet to post my query. So far ... nada. Lots of other poor souls have been tossed into the shark tank ... and for the most part been turned into chum.

Wish I knew if she was even going to give mine a courtesy swim-by. You know, that oh-so-chilling moment in all deep-sea "we're-idiots-and-went-scuba-diving-for-our-honeymoon/got-drunk-and-wrecked-the-boat" B movies where someone gets cold-nosed by the predator lurking beneath? I could go for that right now if I knew it meant I'd get posted soon.

*sigh* I'm not the most patient of birds.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Dear god...I'm a blogger. How the hell did this happen? All I wanted was to post a query to Query Shark to get my tail feathers snapped off by the Queen of snarkiness and I wind up...

Help, I've fallen from the nest and I can't get up!